Do You Need To Do Less?

Valerie Jégo Marsh
6 min readAug 14, 2022

If you are tired or close to burnout, this might be just what you need. Do less of everything, but do it smarter.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Many people answer the question, “How are you?” with “Busy, tired”.

Why Are We Tired All The Time?

Overworked? Maybe. Overstimulated? Certainly. Unfit? Possibly.

In a world that values productivity, still promotes the idea of having it all and making it look picture-perfect whilst providing entertainment 24/7, how can we not feel tired?

We seem to get our self-worth by the length of our to-do list, even when we feel exhausted and stressed.

Social media and other forms of entertainment swallow up our leisure time and we might be so hooked that we delay our bedtime.

News is constantly breaking and presented in the most dramatic way which might drain you emotionally. Our mental and emotional fatigue feels a lot more difficult to process than the physical one and it often sends us to activities that numb our discomfort through abusive consumption of food, alcohol, prescription drugs, games, social media or streaming.

Causes of fatigue build up until we are completely overwhelmed. We just want to get off the hamster wheel, but the odds are stacked against us. We find it difficult to break the…



Valerie Jégo Marsh

Loves ☕️ 📚🖋 🎨 🧘🏻‍♀️ A Parisian forced into exile in London for preferring tea to coffee😉🇫🇷🇬🇧